Key changes to the 9th edition:
– Extended and refreshed set of ‘Problems and applications’ questions with
new model answers to selected questions on the student companion
website. Answers to all questions are available to lecturers.
– Re-design of chapter on process technology to reflect the rapid development of new technologies.
– Brand new case study on IKEA, examining innovative changes to their operating practices
– Over 40 new ‘Operations in practice’ boxes, with a focus on the application of new technologies in most chapters.
– Extensive new material including: surge pricing, digital twins,
servitisation, B2B and B2C relationship, line of sight in internal
process networks, Net Promoter Scores, process mining, Gartner hype
cycle, work-life balance, use of blockchain in supply chains, knowledge
management, circular economy, quality of experience, cyber security and
service guarantees.
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