Dietary factors have been implicated in at least four of the ten leading causes of death in the U.S. (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke). Nevertheless, physicians frequently receive inadequate training in nutrition to properly counsel their patients. Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, Third Edition discusses the physiologic and metabolic interrelationships of all nutrients and their roles in health maintenance and the prevention of various diseases.
Since the publication of the second edition of this book, new discoveries have revolutionized the field of clinical nutrition. This is true especially with respect to gene-nutrient interaction, epigenetic pathways that contribute to the activation and inactivation of gene expression, the relationship of nutrients to telomere length and health, and personalized nutrition. Highlighting these advances, new and revised topics include:
- Fiber, antioxidants, nutraceuticals, alternative medicine, and epidemiology
- DNA, gene–nutrient interaction, epigenetics, and telomeres
- Nutritional aspects of kidney disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome
- Personalized nutrition and personalized medicine
- Vegetarianism, the Mediterranean diet, and other popular dietary practices
- Obesity and cholesterol
Designed as a textbook for students in conventional medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, dietetics, nursing, pharmacy, and public health, the book focuses on the critical biochemical and physiological aspects of nutrients. It includes clinical case studies to clarify topics at the end of most chapters and references to facilitate further study.
Table of Contents
Part I Biology and Biochemistry
Introduction: Fundamentals of Nutrition
Digestion of Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins
Requirements for Energy, Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins
Role of Essential Fatty Acids
Inorganic Elements (Minerals)
Vitamins—An Overview
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins I
Water-Soluble Vitamins II
Vitamin-Like Substances
Part II Special Nutritional Needs
Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Lactation
Nutrition and Development
Nutrition and Aging
Part III Nutrition and Specific Disorders
Nutritional Assessment
Obesity and Eating Disorders
Cholesterol and Dyslipidemia
Nutritional Aspects of Diabetes
Nutritional Aspects of Kidney Disease
Nutritional Aspects of Genetic Disease
Nutritional and Metabolic Effects of Alcohol
Nutritional Epidemiology
Part IV Special Topics
Dietary Fiber
Antioxidants and Health
Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods and Additives
Vegetarianism and Other Popular Nutritional Practices
Nutritional Aspects of Biotransformation
Alternative Medicine: Dietary Supplements
Gene-Nutrient Interaction—Molecular Genetics, Epigenetics, and Telomeres
Personalized Nutrition and Personalized Medicine
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