Product Tag: Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction by H. Bhasin Online

Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction by H. Bhasin Online

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Python Basics: A Self-Teaching Introduction by H. Bhasin



This book is designed for use as aprimary introduction to Python and can be used as an introductory text or as aresource for professionals in industry. The book has been divided into foursections. The first section deals with the language fundamentals, primarily theprocedural part of the language, the second introduces the object-oriented paradigms,the third section deals with data structures, and the last is devoted toadvanced topics like handling multi-dimensional arrays using NumPy andvisualization using Matplotlib. Regular expressions and multi-threading havebeen introduced in the appendices.


•Includes sections dedicated to data structures

•Offers in-depth treatment of topics such as classes, inheritance, BST, andNumPy

•Introduces topics like Matplotlib and PIL

•Contains exercises for practice and a review of essential programming concepts

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