ISLAMIC Books, Quran, Tafseer, Hadith etc….
Aaqa: Muhammad (Pbuh)
یہ کتاب توڑنے والی نہیں۔ لوگوں کو آقاﷺ کی محبت کے صدقے جوڑنے والی کتاب ہے۔ یہ اس محبت کے سفر کی روداد ہے جو ایک غلام اپنے آقاﷺ کی طرف قدم قدم بڑھتے ہوئے سر کرتا ہے، جو طوفان، جھکڑ، گردباد اور سنہری وجد بھرے مسرور لمحے آئے سارے اس کتاب میں رکھ دیے۔
ابدال بیلا
Alif by Umaira Ahmad
Umaira Ahmad
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Alif, Allah aur Insaan by Qaisera Hayat
Alif, Allah or Insaan is an outstanding Novel with unique approach, it discovers Mystic bond between Allah (GOD) and HIS creation Human.Ultimate creation of this universe, whole universe is hidden in the Human Heart.Body Human a complete Mystery.Scientists and Researchers quest what drives the human body.What is soul?How human body organs work? Same Physical appearance but different in their nature, What are emotions? Why GOD created human, what was the purpose of creation, Relation of GOD and Human? Drive force of human, qualities of human body, emotions and human nature.
This novel discuss different emotions it have got 4 different story tracks each character have got a specific relationship with Allah (S.W.T).
In short this novel is a food for thought for all those who are in search of Allah(God).
Ikhlaaq E Nabvi Ke Sunehre Waqeyat (Local) اخلاق نبوی کے سنہرے واقعات
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Abdul Malik Mujahid
Weight: 0.98 kg
Publish Date: 02/02/2014
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 400
Book Size: 17×24
Genre: Biography
Color: 4 Color
Islamiyat for CSS (Urdu) Hafiz Karim dad Chaughtai
Hafiz Karim dad Chaughtai
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Islamiyat Laazmi (Urdu) For CSS by Prof. Arshad Iqbal
Publications: Jahangir's World Times Publications
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Journey Through The Quran (An Overview of All 114 Chapters) by Sharif H Banna
Language : English
Paperback, Local Printed Book!
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Lost Islamic History by Firas Alkhateeb
Firas Alkhateeb
Paperback ( Original Book)
Pages : 217
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Love Stories from the Qur’an by Yahya Adel Ibrahim
Language : English
Paperback, Local Printed Book!
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Qasas ul Anbiya (Local) قصص الانبياء
Publisher:Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Ibn Katheer
Weight: 0.7 kg
Publish Date: 04/02/2007
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 642
Book Size: 17×24
Genre: Biography
Color: 2 Color
Rijaal-ul-Quran (7 Volume Set) رجال القران
Publisher:Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Dr. Abdul Rehman Umaira
Weight: 3.2 kg
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 1660
Book Size: 14×21
Genre: Biography
Color: 2 Color
Riyad-Us-Saliheen (2 Vol. Set) (New Edition) (ریاض الصالحین اردو ( جدید ایڈیشن
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers
Author(s): Yahya Bin Sharf An Navi
Weight: 2.4 kg
Publish Date: 04/03/2007
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 1300
Book Size: 17×24
Genre: Hadith
Color: 1 Color
Sayeda Khadija (R.A) Aur Unki Betiyan سیّدہ خدیجہ رضی اللہُ عنہا اور ان کی بیٹیاں
No doubt that Sayida Khadija and her daughters (May Allah be pleased with them all) are the best examples to live a prosperous life for Muslim women. This book by Abdul Malik Mujahid is a lovely collection of authentic events that highlights her intelligence, commitment to religion, sincere belief in God and determination under the most difficult circumstances. The book’s tone is very delicate that literally takes the reader back in time to the very beginning of Islam, providing deep insights into her life and early Islamic era. If you want to gift your girls and daughters something, nothing could be better than this as it will help them learn how to be a faithful Muslim lady, a dedicated wife, and an ideal mother. However, this does not mean this is ‘female only’ book; instead, the male can also learn lots of lessons from her life.
Seerat Sayedina Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) – 2 vols. set
نبی کریم ﷺ کے بعد امتِ مسلمہ کے سب سےبڑے قائد اور اسلامی معاشرے کا سب سے عظیم نمونہ اور نمائند ہ شخصیت ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ہی تھے۔ خلافتِ راشدہ کی ابتدائی فتوحات، کامیابیاں اور خوبیاں عہد صدیقی ہی کی رہینِ منت تھیں۔ سیدنا ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ایمان و یقین، اطاعت و غلامی، محبت و وارفتگی اور ہمت و حوصلہ جیسے بے مثل خوبیوں سے مالا مال تھے۔ آیئے، ہم بھی اُنکی سیرت کی مطالعہ کر کے اپنے اعمال کو نکھارنے کا سامان کریں۔
The life of Abu Bakr As Siddique (May Allah be pleased with him) offers a blueprint to a successful life to those Muslims as well as non-muslims who are searching for the truth. This book provides detailed and insightful glimpses into the extraordinary life of the first Caliph of the Muslims Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (May Allah be pleased with him) and his massive contribution to all of humanity. He was truly a man for all ages. This compilation has specifically been made for the Muslim Youth, who need to learn about the sacred personalities and their success stories. Indeed, this is the best way to teach the core values of an ideal Islamic life and help youth understand their religion.
Seerat-e-Nabvi (PBUH) – 2 Vols. (سِیرتِ نبوی صلی اللہ و علیہ وسلم (2 جلدسیٹ
سیرت کے موضوع پر لکھی جانے والی ایک دلفریب کتاب۔ اس کتاب کے مطالعے سے آپ نہ صرف محبت رسول ﷺ میں اضافہ محسوس کرینگے بلکہ آپ ﷺ کی سنت کو اپنی زندگی میں جگہ بناتا بھی دیکھینگے۔ کتاب نہایت ہی آسان اسلوب اور دلکش انداز میں لکھی گئی ہے۔
Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) – 3 Vols. Set سیرت النبی
In this book, the events of the Prophet’s life, from the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was born and even before that day for background information-until the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) died, have been recorded.
Beyond enumerating the events of the Prophet’s life, lessons and morals from those events have been drawn to point out the significance of an event and the wisdom behind the Prophet’s actions or deeds, the Islamic ruling that is derived from a particular incident, and the impact that a given event should have on our character or choice of deeds is indicated.
Tafseer Ahsan ul Bayyan تفسیر احسن البیان
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yousaf
Weight: 1.8 kg
Publish Date: 10/10/2015
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 916
Book Size: 17×24
Genre: Tafseer Qur’an , Annotation
Color: 3 Color
This specific edition is local one; however, we have both local and imported versions available in different sizes.
The History Of Quranic Text by Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami
Language : English
Paperback, 394 Pages
A+ PDF Printed Book!
Local Printed Book!
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The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem
Language : English
Paperback, 937 Pages Edition 2021
A+ PDF Printed Book!
Local Printed Book!
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The Qur’an by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Translator)
Pages : 464
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The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam by Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Paperback: 328 pages (Original Book)
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Tib-e-Nabvi طب نبوی by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al Jauziyyah
Publisher: Darussalam Publisher
Weight: 2 kg
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Understanding Islam by Shakoor Kakar
Shakoor Kakar
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Women in Islam: What the Qur’an and Sunnah Say by Abdur Raheem Kidwai
Language : English
Paperback, Local Printed Book!
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- ISBN:9786035002882
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Al-Airfi
Weight: 1.05 kg
Publish Date: 04/17/2009
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 676
Book Size: 14×21
Genre: General
Color: 4 Color
256 pages. First published January 1, 2014
- Paperback Delivery All Over Pakistan Charges Will Apply.
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Nahjul Balagha: Peak of Eloquence by علي بن أبي طالب
Hardcover, 680 pages
Language: English
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Muhammad: His Life Based On The Earliest Sources by Martin Lings
Pages : 363
Edition : 2020
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Seerat Sayedna Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (R.A) سیرت سیدنا علی المرتضٰی رضی اللہ عنہ
Publisher: Darussalam Publishers
Author(s):Dr. Ali Muhammad Sallabi
Weight: 1.2 kg
Publish Date: 06/13/2006
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 728
Book Size: 14×21
Genre: Biography
Color: 1 Color
Nahj al-Balagha انتخاب نہج البلاغہ
حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ کے حالات زندگی، خطبات، خطوط، اقوال، اور فرمودات کا اردو ترجمہ
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (Urdu) الرحيق المختوم Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri
Publisher: Maktabl Al Salfia
Author : Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri
Weight: 1 kg
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